Load From OIMΒΆ

See COPYRIGHT.md for copyright information.


The Load From OIM plugin is designed to load reports in Arelle from JSON and CSV that adhere to the Open Information Model (OIM) XBRL Specification. It also offers the option to save a loaded report as an xBRL-XML instance. It is designed to work seamlessly with the Save Loadable OIM plugin, allowing for efficient data handling in Arelle.

Key Features

  • Multiple Formats: Enables loading data from JSON and CSV OIM formats as well as XLSX.

  • Seamless Integration: Compatible with the Save Loadable OIM plugin for saving and loading reports.

  • GUI and CLI Compatibility: Available for use in both GUI and CLI modes.

  • Save xBRL-XML Instance: Optionally save the data as an xBRL-XML instance.

Usage Instructions

Command Line Usage

  • Load OIM Report: To load an OIM report, specify the file path to the JSON, CSV, or XLSX file:

    python arelleCmdLine.py --plugins loadFromOIM --file filing-document.json
  • Save xBRL-XML Instance: Use the --saveOIMinstance argument to save an xBRL-XML instance from an OIM report:

    python arelleCmdLine.py --plugins loadFromOIM --file filing-document.json --saveOIMinstance example.xbrl

GUI Usage

  • Load OIM Report:

    1. Using the normal File menu Open File... dialog, select the CSV, JSON, or XLSX file.

    2. Provide a name for the XBRL-XML instance to save.