- mod:
.. module:: arelle.ModelDtsObject
:copyright: See for copyright information.
:license: Apache-2.
:synopsis: This module contains DTS-specialized ModelObject classes: ModelRoleType (role and arcrole types), ModelSchemaObject (parent class for top-level named schema element, attribute, attribute groups, etc), ModelConcept (xs:elements that may be concepts, typed dimension elements, or just plain XML definitions), ModelAttribute (xs:attribute), ModelAttributeGroup, ModelType (both top level named and anonymous simple and complex types), ModelEnumeration, ModelLink (xlink link elements), ModelResource (xlink resource elements), ModelLocator (subclass of ModelResource for xlink locators), and ModelRelationship (not an lxml proxy object, but a resolved relationship that reflects an effective arc between one source and one target).
XBRL processing requires element-level access to schema elements. Traditional XML processors, such as
lxml (based on libxml), and Xerces (not available in the Python environment), provide opaque schema
models that cannot be used by an XML processor. Arelle implements its own elment, attribute, and
type processing, in order to provide PSVI-validated element and attribute contents, and in order to
access XBRL features that would otherwise be inaccessible in the XML library opaque schema models.
ModelConcept represents a schema element, regardless whether an XBRL item or tuple, or non-concept
schema element. The common XBRL and schema element attributes are provided by Python properties,
cached when needed for efficiency, somewhat isolating from the XML level implementation.
There is thought that a future SQL-based implementation may be able to utilize ModelObject proxy
objects to interface to SQL-obtained data.
ModelType represents an anonymous or explicit element type. It includes methods that determine
the base XBRL type (such as monetaryItemType), the base XML type (such as decimal), substitution
group chains, facets, and attributes.
ModelAttributeGroup and ModelAttribute provide sufficient mechanism to identify element attributes,
their types, and their default or fixed values.
There is also an inherently different model, modelRelationshipSet, which represents an individual
base or dimensional-relationship set, or a collection of them (such as labels independent of
extended link role), based on the semantics of XLink arcs.
PSVI-validated instance data are determined during loading for instance documents, and on demand
for any other objects (such as when formula operations may access linkbase contents and need
PSVI-validated contents of some linkbase elements). These validated items are added to the
ModelObject lxml custom proxy objects.
Linkbase objects include modelLink, representing extended link objects, modelResource,
representing resource objects, and modelRelationship, which is not a lxml proxy object, but
represents a resolved and effective arc in a relationship set.
ModelRelationshipSets are populated on demand according to specific or general characteristics.
A relationship set can be a fully-specified base set, including arcrole, linkrole, link element
qname, and arc element qname. However by not specifying linkrole, link, or arc, a composite
relationship set can be produced for an arcrole accumulating relationships across all extended
link linkroles that have contributing arcs, which may be needed in building indexing or graphical
topology top levels.
Relationship sets for dimensional arcroles will honor and traverse targetrole attributes across
linkroles. There is a pseudo-arcrole for dimensions that allows accumulating all dimensional
relationships regardless of arcrole, which is useful for constructing certain graphic tree views.
Relationship sets for table linkbases likewise have a pseudo-arcrole to accumulate all table
relationships regardless of arcrole, for the same purpose.
Relationship sets can identify ineffective arcroles, which is a requirement for SEC and GFM
Module Contents¶
.. class:: ModelRoleType(modelDocument) |
.. class:: ModelNamableTerm(modelDocument) |
List of particles which can provide string representation of contained particles |
Represents a particle (for multi-inheritance subclasses of particles) |
.. class:: ModelConcept(modelDocument) |
.. class:: ModelAttribute(modelDocument) |
.. class:: ModelAttributeGroup(modelDocument) |
.. class:: ModelType(modelDocument) |
.. class:: ModelGroupDefinition(modelDocument) |
.. class:: ModelGroupCompositor(modelDocument) |
.. class:: ModelAll(modelDocument) |
.. class:: ModelChoice(modelDocument) |
.. class:: ModelSequence(modelDocument) |
.. class:: ModelAny(modelDocument) |
.. class:: ModelAnyAttribute(modelDocument) |
.. class:: ModelEnumeration(modelDocument) |
.. class:: ModelLink(modelDocument) |
.. class:: ModelResource(modelDocument) |
.. class:: ModelLocator(modelDocument) |
.. class:: ModelRelationship(modelDocument, arcElement, fromModelObject, toModelObject) |
- arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelFact¶
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelRoleType¶
.. class:: ModelRoleType(modelDocument)
ModelRoleType represents both role type and arcrole type definitions
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – owner document
- init(modelDocument)¶
- property isArcrole¶
(bool) – True if ModelRoleType declares an arcrole type
- property roleURI¶
(str) – Value of roleURI attribute
- property arcroleURI¶
(str) – Value of arcroleURI attribute
- property cyclesAllowed¶
(str) – Value of cyclesAllowed attribute
- property definition¶
(str) – Text of child definition element (stripped)
- property definitionNotStripped¶
(str) – Text of child definition element (not stripped)
- property usedOns¶
( {QName} ) – Set of PSVI QNames of descendant usedOn elements
- property tableCode¶
table code from structural model for presentable table by ELR
- property propertyView¶
- __repr__()¶
- property viewConcept¶
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelNamableTerm¶
.. class:: ModelNamableTerm(modelDocument)
Particle Model namable term (can have @name attribute)
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – owner document
- init(modelDocument)¶
- property name¶
- property qname¶
- property isGlobalDeclaration¶
- schemaNameQname(prefixedName, isQualifiedForm=True, prefixException=None)¶
Returns ModelValue.QName of prefixedName using this element and its ancestors’ xmlns.
- Parameters:
prefixedName (str) – A prefixed name string
- Returns:
QName – the resolved prefixed name, or None if no prefixed name was provided
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ParticlesList¶
List of particles which can provide string representation of contained particles
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- __repr__()¶
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelParticle¶
Represents a particle (for multi-inheritance subclasses of particles)
- addToParticles()¶
Finds particle parent (in xml element ancestry) and appends self to parent particlesList
- property maxOccurs¶
(int) – Value of maxOccurs attribute, sys.maxsize of unbounded, or 1 if absent
- property maxOccursStr¶
(str) – String value of maxOccurs attribute
- property minOccurs¶
(int) – Value of minOccurs attribute or 1 if absent
- property minOccursStr¶
(str) – String value of minOccurs attribute
- arelle.ModelDtsObject.anonymousTypeSuffix¶
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelConcept¶
.. class:: ModelConcept(modelDocument)
Particle Model element term
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – owner document
- init(modelDocument)¶
- property abstract¶
(str) – Value of abstract attribute or ‘false’ if absent
- property isAbstract¶
(bool) – True if abstract
- property periodType¶
(str) – Value of periodType attribute
- property balance¶
(str) – Value of balance attribute
- property typeQname¶
(QName) – Value of type attribute, if any, or if type contains an annonymously-named type definition (as sub-elements), then QName formed of element QName with anonymousTypeSuffix appended to localName. If neither type attribute or nested type definition, then attempts to get type definition in turn from substitution group element.
- property niceType¶
Provides a type name suited for user interfaces: hypercubes as Table, dimensions as Axis, types ending in ItemType have ItemType removed and first letter capitalized (e.g., stringItemType as String). Otherwise returns the type’s localName portion.
- property baseXsdType¶
(str) – Value of localname of type (e.g., monetary for monetaryItemType)
- property facets¶
(dict) – Facets declared for element type
- property baseXbrliType¶
(str) – Attempts to return the base xsd type localName that this concept’s type is derived from. If not determinable anyType is returned. E.g., for monetaryItemType, decimal is returned.
- property baseXbrliTypeQname¶
(qname) – Attempts to return the base xsd type QName that this concept’s type is derived from. If not determinable anyType is returned. E.g., for monetaryItemType, decimal is returned.
- instanceOfType(typeqname) bool ¶
(bool) – True if element is declared by, or derived from type of given qname or list of qnames
- property isNumeric¶
(bool) – True for elements of, or derived from, numeric base type (not including fractionItemType)
- property isDecimal¶
(bool) – True for a decimal xsd base type (not including xbrl fractions, float or double)
- property isInteger¶
(bool) – True for elements of, or derived from, integer base type (not including fractionItemType)
- property isFraction¶
(bool) – True if the baseXbrliType is fractionItemType
- property isMonetary¶
(bool) – True if the baseXbrliType is monetaryItemType
(bool) – True if the baseXbrliType is sharesItemType
- property isTextBlock¶
(bool) – Element’s type.isTextBlock.
- property isLanguage¶
(bool) – True if the baseXbrliType is languageItemType
- property type¶
Element’s modelType object (if any)
- property substitutionGroup¶
modelConcept object for substitution group (or None)
- property substitutionGroupQname¶
(QName) – substitution group
- property substitutionGroupQnames¶
([QName]) – Ordered list of QNames of substitution groups (recursively)
- property isQualifiedForm¶
(bool) – True if element has form attribute qualified or its document default
- property nillable¶
(str) –Value of the nillable attribute or its default
- property isNillable¶
(bool) – True if nillable
- property block¶
(str) – block attribute
- property default¶
(str) – default attribute
- property fixed¶
(str) – fixed attribute
- property final¶
(str) – final attribute
- property isRoot¶
(bool) – True if parent of element definition is xsd schema element
- label(preferredLabel=None, fallbackToQname=True, lang=None, strip=False, linkrole=None, linkroleHint=None) str | None ¶
Returns effective label for concept, using preferredLabel role (or standard label if None), absent label falls back to element qname (prefixed name) if specified, lang falls back to tool-config language if none, leading/trailing whitespace stripped (trimmed) if specified. Does not look for generic labels (use superclass genLabel for generic label).
- Parameters:
preferredLabel (str) – label role (standard label if not specified)
fallbackToQname (bool) – if True and no matching label, then element qname is returned
lang (str, tuple or list) – language code(s) requested (otherwise configuration specified language is returned). If multiple the order represents priority of label lang.
strip (bool) – specifies removal of leading/trailing whitespace from returned label
linkrole (str) – specifies linkrole desired (wild card if not specified)
- Returns:
label matching parameters, or element qname if fallbackToQname requested and no matching label
- relationshipToResource(resourceObject, arcrole)¶
For specified object and resource (all link roles), returns first modelRelationshipObject that relates from this element to specified resourceObject.
- Parameters:
resourceObject (ModelObject) – resource to find relationship to
arcrole (str) – specifies arcrole for search
- Returns:
- property isItem¶
(bool) – True for a substitution for xbrli:item but not xbrli:item itself
- property isTuple¶
(bool) – True for a substitution for xbrli:tuple but not xbrli:tuple itself
- property isLinkPart¶
(bool) – True for a substitution for link:part but not link:part itself
- property isPrimaryItem¶
(bool) – True for a concept definition that is not a hypercube or dimension
- property isDomainMember¶
(bool) – Same as isPrimaryItem (same definition in XDT)
- property isHypercubeItem¶
(bool) – True for a concept definition that is a hypercube
- property isDimensionItem¶
(bool) – True for a concept definition that is a dimension
- property isTypedDimension¶
(bool) – True for a concept definition that is a typed dimension
- property isExplicitDimension¶
(bool) – True for a concept definition that is an explicit dimension
- property typedDomainRef¶
(str) – typedDomainRef attribute
- property typedDomainElement¶
(ModelConcept) – the element definition for a typedDomainRef attribute (of a typed dimension element)
- property isEnumeration¶
(bool) – True if derived from enum:enumerationItemType or enum:enumerationsItemType or enum2:setValueDimensionType
- property isEnumeration2Item¶
(bool) – True if derived from enum2 item types
- property enumDomainQname¶
(QName) – enumeration domain qname
- property enumDomain¶
(ModelConcept) – enumeration domain
- property enumLinkrole¶
(anyURI) – enumeration linkrole
- property enumDomainUsable¶
(string) – enumeration usable attribute
- property isEnumDomainUsable¶
(bool) – enumeration domain usability
- substitutesForQname(subsQname)¶
(bool) – True if element substitutes for specified qname
- property subGroupHeadQname¶
(QName) – Head of substitution lineage of element (e.g., xbrli:item)
- dereference() arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelConcept ¶
(ModelConcept) – If element is a ref (instead of name), provides referenced modelConcept object, else self
- property propertyView¶
- __repr__()¶
- property viewConcept¶
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelAttribute¶
.. class:: ModelAttribute(modelDocument)
Attribute term
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – owner document
- init(modelDocument)¶
- property typeQname¶
(QName) – QName of type of attribute
- property type¶
(ModelType) – Attribute’s modelType object (if any)
- property baseXsdType¶
(str) – Attempts to return the base xsd type localName that this attribute’s type is derived from. If not determinable anyType is returned
- property facets¶
(dict) – Returns self.type.facets or None (if type indeterminate)
- property isNumeric¶
(bool) – True for a numeric xsd base type (not including xbrl fractions)
- property isQualifiedForm¶
(bool) – True if attribute has form attribute qualified or its document default
- property isRequired¶
(bool) – True if use is required
- property default¶
(str) – default attribute
- property fixed¶
(str) – fixed attribute or None
- dereference()¶
(ModelAttribute) – If element is a ref (instead of name), provides referenced modelAttribute object, else self
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelAttributeGroup¶
.. class:: ModelAttributeGroup(modelDocument)
Attribute Group term
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – owner document
- init(modelDocument)¶
- property isQualifiedForm¶
(bool) – True, always qualified
- property attributes¶
(dict) – Dict by attribute QName of ModelAttributes
- property attributeWildcards¶
- dereference()¶
(ModelAttributeGroup) – If element is a ref (instead of name), provides referenced modelAttributeGroup object, else self
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelType¶
.. class:: ModelType(modelDocument)
Type definition term
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – owner document
- init(modelDocument)¶
- property name¶
- property isQualifiedForm¶
(bool) – True (for compatibility with other schema objects)
- property qnameDerivedFrom¶
(QName) – the type that this type is derived from
- property typeDerivedFrom¶
(ModelType) – type that this type is derived from
- property particles¶
([ModelParticles]) – Particles of this type
- property baseXsdType¶
(str) – The xsd type localName that this type is derived from or: noContent for an element that may not have text nodes, anyType for an element that may have text nodes but their type is not specified, or one of several union types for schema validation purposes: XBRLI_DATEUNION, XBRLI_DECIMALSUNION, XBRLI_PRECISIONUNION, XBRLI_NONZERODECIMAL.
- property baseXbrliTypeQname¶
(qname) – The qname of the parent type in the xbrli namespace, if any, otherwise the localName of the parent in the xsd namespace.
- property baseXbrliType¶
(str) – The localName of the parent type in the xbrli namespace, if any, otherwise the localName of the parent in the xsd namespace.
- property isTextBlock¶
(str) – True if type is, or is derived from, us-types:textBlockItemType or dtr-types:escapedItemType
- property isOimTextFactType¶
(str) – True if type meets OIM requirements to be a text fact
- property isWgnStringFactType¶
(str) – True if type meets WGN String Fact Type requirements
- property isDomainItemType¶
(bool) – True if type is, or is derived from, domainItemType in either a us-types or a dtr-types namespace.
- property isMultiLanguage¶
(bool) – True if type is, or is derived from, stringItemType or normalizedStringItemType.
- isDerivedFrom(typeqname)¶
(bool) – True if type is derived from type specified by QName. Type can be a single type QName or list of QNames
- property attributes¶
(dict) – Dict of ModelAttribute attribute declarations keyed by attribute QName
- property attributeWildcards¶
(dict) – List of wildcard namespace strings (e.g., ##other)
- property requiredAttributeQnames¶
(set) – Set of attribute QNames which have use=required.
- property defaultAttributeQnames¶
(set) – Set of attribute QNames which have a default specified
- property elements¶
([QName]) – List of element QNames that are descendants (content elements)
- property facets¶
(dict) – Dict of facets by their facet name, all are strings except enumeration, which is a set of enumeration values.
- constrainingFacets(facetValues=None)¶
helper function for facets discovery
- fixedOrDefaultAttrValue(attrName)¶
(str) – Descendant attribute declaration value if fixed or default, argument is attribute name (string), e.g., ‘precision’.
- dereference()¶
(ModelType) – If element is a ref (instead of name), provides referenced modelType object, else self
- property propertyView¶
- __repr__()¶
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelGroupDefinition¶
.. class:: ModelGroupDefinition(modelDocument)
Group definition particle term
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – owner document
- init(modelDocument)¶
- dereference()¶
(ModelGroupDefinition) – If element is a ref (instead of name), provides referenced modelGroupDefinition object, else self
- property isQualifiedForm¶
(bool) – True (for compatibility with other schema objects)
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelGroupCompositor¶
.. class:: ModelGroupCompositor(modelDocument)
Particle Model group compositor term (sequence, choice, or all)
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – owner document
- init(modelDocument)¶
- dereference()¶
(ModelGroupCompositor) – If element is a ref (instead of name), provides referenced ModelGroupCompositor object, else self
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelAll¶
.. class:: ModelAll(modelDocument)
Particle Model all term
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – owner document
- init(modelDocument)¶
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelChoice¶
.. class:: ModelChoice(modelDocument)
Particle Model choice term
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – owner document
- init(modelDocument)¶
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelSequence¶
.. class:: ModelSequence(modelDocument)
Particle Model sequence term
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – owner document
- init(modelDocument)¶
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelAny¶
.. class:: ModelAny(modelDocument)
Particle Model any term
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – owner document
- init(modelDocument)¶
- dereference()¶
- allowsNamespace(namespaceURI)¶
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelAnyAttribute¶
.. class:: ModelAnyAttribute(modelDocument)
Any attribute definition term
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – owner document
- init(modelDocument)¶
- allowsNamespace(namespaceURI)¶
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelEnumeration¶
.. class:: ModelEnumeration(modelDocument)
Facet enumeration term
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – owner document
- init(modelDocument)¶
- property value¶
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelLink¶
.. class:: ModelLink(modelDocument)
XLink extended link element
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – owner document
- init(modelDocument)¶
- property role¶
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelResource¶
.. class:: ModelResource(modelDocument)
XLink resource element
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – owner document
- init(modelDocument)¶
- property role¶
(str) – xlink:role attribute
- property xlinkLabel¶
(str) – xlink:label attribute
- property xmlLang¶
(str) – xml:lang attribute Note that xml.xsd specifies that an empty string xml:lang attribute is an un-declaration of the attribute, as if the attribute were not present. When absent or un-declared, returns None.
- viewText(labelrole=None, lang=None)¶
(str) – Text of contained (inner) text nodes except for any whose localName starts with URI, for label and reference parts displaying purposes. (Footnotes, which return serialized html content of footnote.)
- roleRefPartSortKey()¶
- dereference()¶
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelLocator¶
.. class:: ModelLocator(modelDocument)
XLink locator element
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – owner document
- init(modelDocument)¶
- dereference()¶
(ModelObject) – Resolve loc’s href if resource is a loc with href document and id modelHref a tuple with href’s element, modelDocument, id
- property propertyView¶
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.RelationStatus¶
- Unknown¶
- arelle.ModelDtsObject.arcCustAttrsExclusions¶
- class arelle.ModelDtsObject.ModelRelationship(modelDocument, arcElement, fromModelObject, toModelObject)¶
.. class:: ModelRelationship(modelDocument, arcElement, fromModelObject, toModelObject)
ModelRelationship is a ModelObject that does not proxy an lxml object (but instead references ModelObject arc elements, and the from and to ModelObject elements.
- Parameters:
modelDocument (ModelDocument) – Owning modelDocument object
arcElement (ModelObject) – lxml arc element that was resolved into this relationship object
fromModelObject (ModelObject) – the from lxml resource element of the source of the relationship
toModelObject (ModelObject) – the to lxml resource element of the target of the relationship
Includes properties that proxy the referenced modelArc: localName, namespaceURI, prefixedName, sourceline, tag, elementQname, qname, and methods that proxy methods of modelArc: get() and itersiblings()
.. attribute:: arcElement ModelObject arc element of the effective relationship .. attribute:: fromModelObject ModelObject of the xlink:from (dereferenced if via xlink:locator) .. attribute:: toModelObject ModelObject of the xlink:to (dereferenced if via xlink:locator) .. attribute:: linkrole Value of xlink:role attribute of parent extended link element
- clear()¶
- get(attrname)¶
Method proxy for the arc element of the effective relationship so that the non-proxy
- property localName¶
(str) – Property proxy for localName of arc element
- property namespaceURI¶
(str) – Property proxy for namespaceURI of arc element
- property prefixedName¶
(str) – Property proxy for prefixedName of arc element
- property sourceline¶
(int) – Property proxy for sourceline of arc element
- property tag¶
(str) – Property proxy for tag of arc element (clark notation)
- property elementQname¶
(QName) – Property proxy for elementQName of arc element
- property qname¶
(QName) – Property proxy for qname of arc element
- itersiblings(**kwargs)¶
Method proxy for itersiblings() of lxml arc element
- getparent() arelle.ModelObject.ModelObject ¶
(_ElementBase) – Method proxy for getparent() of lxml arc element
- property fromLabel¶
(str) – Value of xlink:from attribute
- property toLabel¶
(str) – Value of xlink:to attribute
- property fromLocator¶
(ModelLocator) – Value of locator surrogate of relationship source, if any
- property toLocator¶
(ModelLocator) – Value of locator surrogate of relationship target, if any
- locatorOf(dereferencedObject)¶
(ModelLocator) – Value of locator surrogate of relationship target, if any
- property arcrole¶
(str) – Value of xlink:arcrole attribute
- property order¶
(float) – Value of xlink:order attribute, or 1.0 if not specified
- property orderDecimal¶
(decimal) – Value of xlink:order attribute, NaN if not convertable to float, or None if not specified
- property priority¶
(int) – Value of xlink:order attribute, or 0 if not specified
- property weight¶
(float) – Value of xlink:weight attribute, NaN if not convertable to float, or None if not specified
- property weightDecimal¶
(decimal) – Value of xlink:weight attribute, NaN if not convertable to float, or None if not specified
- property use¶
(str) – Value of use attribute
- property isProhibited¶
(bool) – True if use is prohibited
- property prohibitedUseSortKey¶
(int) – 2 if use is prohibited, else 1, for use in sorting effective arcs before prohibited arcs
- property preferredLabel¶
(str) – preferredLabel attribute or None if absent
- property variablename¶
(str) – name attribute
- property variableQname¶
(QName) – resolved name for a formula (or other arc) having a QName name attribute
- property linkQname¶
(QName) – qname of the parent extended link element
- property contextElement¶
(str) – Value of xbrldt:contextElement attribute (on applicable XDT arcs)
- property targetRole¶
(str) – Value of xbrldt:targetRole attribute (on applicable XDT arcs)
- property consecutiveLinkrole¶
(str) – Value of xbrldt:targetRole attribute, if provided, else parent linkRole (on applicable XDT arcs)
- property isUsable¶
(bool) – True if xbrldt:usable is true (on applicable XDT arcs, defaults to True if absent)
- property closed¶
(str) – Value of xbrldt:closed (on applicable XDT arcs, defaults to ‘false’ if absent)
- property isClosed¶
(bool) – True if xbrldt:closed is true (on applicable XDT arcs, defaults to False if absent)
- property usable¶
(str) – Value of xbrldt:usable (on applicable XDT arcs, defaults to ‘true’ if absent)
- property isComplemented¶
(bool) – True if complemented is true (on applicable formula/rendering arcs, defaults to False if absent)
- property isCovered¶
(bool) – True if cover is true (on applicable formula/rendering arcs, defaults to False if absent)
- property axis¶
(str) – Value of axis (on applicable table linkbase arcs)
- property equivalenceHash¶
- property equivalenceKey¶
(tuple) – Key to determine relationship equivalence per 2.1 spec
- isIdenticalTo(otherModelRelationship) bool ¶
(bool) – Determines if relationship is identical to another, based on arc and identical from and to objects
- priorityOver(otherModelRelationship)¶
(bool) – True if this relationship has priority over other relationship
- property propertyView¶
- __repr__()¶
- property viewConcept¶