This module is a local copy of python locale in order to allow passing in localconv as an argument to functions without affecting system-wide settings. (The system settings can remain in ‘C’ locale.)
See for copyright information.
Module Contents¶
Get locale conventions dictionary. May change the global locale if called directly. |
Get locale conventions dictionary. Ensures that the locale (global to the process) is reset afterwards. |
Returns a list of language code formats that can be used with gettext to look up translation files. configLang is user specified and may be in the BCP 47 format (en-US) or POSIX locale (en_US.utf-8). The translation files can also be user generated and in any of these formats. We do our best to work with both formats. [en_US, en-US, en] [fr] |
Checks if locale can be set by python on the system. May change the global locale if called directly. |
Attempts to find a system compatible locale (checks default regions and possible encodings) based on the user provided locale value. May change the global locale if called directly. |
Attempts to find a system compatible locale (checks default regions and possible encodings) based on the user provided locale value. |
Returns a list of additional candidate POSIX locales including default region and utf-8 encoding variants. |
Transform a BCP47 language tag (en-US) to a POSIX locale (en_US). |
Transform a POSIX locale (en_US.utf-8) to a BCP47 language tag (en-US). |
returns the language, region, and encoding values from the POSIX locale. None is returned for region and encoding if not present. |
Tries to return the results of the provided shell command. Returns stdout or None if the command exists with a non-zero code. |
Attempts to a return a list of locales from |
Returns a set of available system languages (POSIX format without encoding). On Windows system locales can’t be easily determined and an empty set is returned. |
Sets the locale to C, to be used when running Arelle as a standalone application
(e.g., |
Returns the locale-aware substitution of a %? specifier (percent). |
Formats a string in the same way that the % formatting would use, but takes the current locale into account. Grouping is applied if the third parameter is true. |
Formats val according to the currency settings in the current locale. |
Convert float to integer, taking the locale into account. |
Parses a string as a float according to the locale settings. |
Converts a string to an integer according to the locale settings. |
Convert Decimal to a formatted string including currency if any. |
- arelle.Locale._: arelle.typing.TypeGetText¶
- arelle.Locale.CHAR_MAX¶
- arelle.Locale.LC_ALL¶
- arelle.Locale.LC_COLLATE¶
- arelle.Locale.LC_CTYPE¶
- arelle.Locale.LC_MESSAGES¶
- arelle.Locale.LC_MONETARY¶
- arelle.Locale.LC_NUMERIC¶
- arelle.Locale.LC_TIME¶
- arelle.Locale.defaultLocaleCodes¶
- arelle.Locale.MACOS_PLATFORM¶
- arelle.Locale.WINDOWS_PLATFORM¶
- arelle.Locale.BCP47_LANGUAGE_TAG¶
- arelle.Locale._getUserLocaleUnsafe(posixLocale: str = '') tuple[arelle.typing.LocaleDict, str | None] ¶
Get locale conventions dictionary. May change the global locale if called directly.
- Parameters:
posixLocale – The locale code to use to retrieve conventions. Defaults to system default.
- Returns:
Tuple of local conventions dictionary and a user-directed setup message
- arelle.Locale.getUserLocale(posixLocale: str | None = None) tuple[arelle.typing.LocaleDict, str | None] ¶
Get locale conventions dictionary. Ensures that the locale (global to the process) is reset afterwards.
- Parameters:
posixLocale – The locale code to use to retrieve conventions. Defaults to system default.
- Returns:
Tuple of local conventions dictionary and a user-directed setup message
- arelle.Locale.getLanguageCode() str ¶
- arelle.Locale.getLanguageCodes(configLang: str | None = None) list[str] ¶
Returns a list of language code formats that can be used with gettext to look up translation files. configLang is user specified and may be in the BCP 47 format (en-US) or POSIX locale (en_US.utf-8). The translation files can also be user generated and in any of these formats. We do our best to work with both formats. [en_US, en-US, en] [fr]
- arelle.Locale._unsafeIsLocaleCompatible(localeValue: str) bool ¶
Checks if locale can be set by python on the system. May change the global locale if called directly.
- arelle.Locale._unsafeFindCompatibleLocale(localeValue: str) str | None ¶
Attempts to find a system compatible locale (checks default regions and possible encodings) based on the user provided locale value. May change the global locale if called directly.
- arelle.Locale.findCompatibleLocale(localeValue: str | None) str | None ¶
Attempts to find a system compatible locale (checks default regions and possible encodings) based on the user provided locale value.
- arelle.Locale._candidateLocaleCodes(posixLocale: str) list[str] ¶
Returns a list of additional candidate POSIX locales including default region and utf-8 encoding variants.
- arelle.Locale.bcp47LangToPosixLocale(bcp47Lang: str) str ¶
Transform a BCP47 language tag (en-US) to a POSIX locale (en_US).
- arelle.Locale.posixLocaleToBCP47Lang(posixLocale: str) str ¶
Transform a POSIX locale (en_US.utf-8) to a BCP47 language tag (en-US).
- arelle.Locale._buildPosixLocale(lang: str, region: str | None = None, encoding: str | None = None) str ¶
- arelle.Locale._buildBCP47LanguageTag(lang: str, region: str | None = None) str ¶
- arelle.Locale._getPosixLocaleLangRegionAndEncoding(posixLocale: str) tuple[str, str | None, str | None] ¶
returns the language, region, and encoding values from the POSIX locale. None is returned for region and encoding if not present.
- arelle.Locale._locale¶
- arelle.Locale.getLocale() str | None ¶
- arelle.Locale._tryRunShellCommand(*args: str) str | None ¶
Tries to return the results of the provided shell command. Returns stdout or None if the command exists with a non-zero code.
- arelle.Locale.iso3region¶
- arelle.Locale._systemLocales¶
- arelle.Locale.getLocaleList() list[str] ¶
Attempts to a return a list of locales from
locale -a
with a fallback of an empty list.
- arelle.Locale.availableLocales() set[str] ¶
Returns a set of available system languages (POSIX format without encoding). On Windows system locales can’t be easily determined and an empty set is returned.
- arelle.Locale._languageCodes¶
- arelle.Locale.languageCodes() dict[str, str] ¶
- arelle.Locale.setApplicationLocale() None ¶
Sets the locale to C, to be used when running Arelle as a standalone application (e.g.,
.)- Returns:
- arelle.Locale._disableRTL: bool¶
- arelle.Locale.setDisableRTL(disableRTL: bool) None ¶
- arelle.Locale.rtlString(source: str, lang: str | None) str ¶
- arelle.Locale._grouping_intervals(grouping: list[int])[int, None, None] ¶
- arelle.Locale._group(conv: arelle.typing.LocaleDict, s: str, monetary: bool = False) tuple[str, int] ¶
- arelle.Locale._strip_padding(s: str, amount: int) str ¶
- arelle.Locale._percent_re¶
- arelle.Locale.format(conv: arelle.typing.LocaleDict, percent: str, value: Any, grouping: bool = False, monetary: bool = False, *additional: str) str ¶
Returns the locale-aware substitution of a %? specifier (percent).
additional is for format strings which contain one or more ‘*’ modifiers.
- arelle.Locale._format(conv: arelle.typing.LocaleDict, percent: str, value: Any, grouping: bool = False, monetary: bool = False, *additional: str) str ¶
- arelle.Locale.format_string(conv: arelle.typing.LocaleDict, f: str, val: Any, grouping: bool = False) str ¶
Formats a string in the same way that the % formatting would use, but takes the current locale into account. Grouping is applied if the third parameter is true.
- arelle.Locale.currency(conv: arelle.typing.LocaleDict, val: int | float, symbol: bool = True, grouping: bool = False, international: bool = False) str ¶
Formats val according to the currency settings in the current locale.
- arelle.Locale.ftostr(conv: arelle.typing.LocaleDict, val: Any) str ¶
Convert float to integer, taking the locale into account.
- arelle.Locale.atof(conv: arelle.typing.LocaleDict, string: str, func:[[str], Any] = float) Any ¶
Parses a string as a float according to the locale settings.
- arelle.Locale.atoi(conv: arelle.typing.LocaleDict, str: arelle.Locale.atoi.str) int ¶
Converts a string to an integer according to the locale settings.
- arelle.Locale.format_picture(conv: arelle.typing.LocaleDict, value: Any, picture: str) str ¶
- arelle.Locale.format_decimal(conv: arelle.typing.LocaleDict | None, value: decimal.Decimal, intPlaces: int = 1, fractPlaces: int = 2, curr: str = '', sep: str | None = None, grouping: int | None = None, dp: str | None = None, pos: str | None = None, neg: str | None = None, trailpos: str | None = None, trailneg: str | None = None) str ¶
Convert Decimal to a formatted string including currency if any.
intPlaces: required number of digits before the decimal point fractPlaces: required number of places after the decimal point curr: optional currency symbol before the sign (may be blank) sep: optional grouping separator (comma, period, space, or blank) dp: decimal point indicator (comma or period) only specify as blank when places is zero pos: optional sign for positive numbers: ‘+’, space or blank neg: optional sign for negative numbers: ‘-’, ‘(’, space or blank trailneg:optional trailing minus indicator: ‘-’, ‘)’, space or blank
d = Decimal(‘-1234567.8901’) format_decimal(getUserLocale()[0], d, curr=’$’) ‘-$1,234,567.89’ format_decimal(getUserLocale()[0], d, fractPlaces=0, sep=’.’, dp=’’, neg=’’, trailneg=’-‘) ‘1.234.568-’ format_decimal(getUserLocale()[0], d, curr=’$’, neg=’(’, trailneg=’)’) ‘($1,234,567.89)’ format_decimal(getUserLocale()[0], Decimal(123456789), sep=’ ‘) ‘123 456 789.00’ format_decimal(getUserLocale()[0], Decimal(‘-0.02’), neg=’<’, trailneg=’>’) ‘<0.02>’