# Install :::{index} Install ::: There are a few different ways to install Arelle depending on your requirements. ## Prepackaged Distributions The Arelle distribution builds are self contained bundles that provide an executable and include the Arelle source code along with its dependencies and a Python runtime ready to run out of the box. These distributions include all of the [plugins in the Arelle repo][arelle-plugins], along with the [Arelle ixbrl-viewer][arelle-ixbrl-viewer], the [SEC EDGAR][edgar], and [XULE][xule]. Distributions are provided for Windows, macOS, and Linux and can be downloaded from the [Arelle website][arelle-download-page] and [GitHub release page][github-latest-release]. [arelle-download-page]: https://arelle.org/arelle/pub/ [arelle-ixbrl-viewer]: https://github.com/Arelle/ixbrl-viewer [arelle-plugins]: https://github.com/Arelle/Arelle/tree/master/arelle/plugin [edgar]: https://github.com/Arelle/EDGAR [github-latest-release]: https://github.com/Arelle/Arelle/releases/latest [xule]: https://github.com/xbrlus/xule ### Clean Install Arelle stores configuration data and comes with a number of installation files. If your installation of Arelle isn't behaving as expected it can be beneficial to try deleting (or moving) these files and performing a fresh installation. ### Linux 1. Delete the directory where you extracted the Arelle download. 2. If the `~/.config/arelle/` configuration directory exists, delete it. 3. Reinstall Arelle using the [latest release](#prepackaged-distributions). ### macOS 1. If the `/Applications/Arelle.app` application exists, delete it. 2. If the `~/Library/Application Support/Arelle` configuration directory exists, delete it. 3. If the `~/Library/Caches/Arelle` cache directory exists, delete it. 4. Reinstall Arelle using the [latest release](#prepackaged-distributions). ### Windows 1. If the file `C:\Program Files\Arelle\Uninstall.exe` exists, run it. 2. If the `C:\Program Files\Arelle` application directory exists, delete it. 3. If the `%LOCALAPPDATA%\Arelle` configuration directory exists, delete it. 4. Reinstall Arelle using the [latest release](#prepackaged-distributions). ## From Python Source See the contributing documentation for [setting up your environment][setting-up-your-environment] if you're comfortable setting up your own Python environment and would like to run Arelle from source. [setting-up-your-environment]: project:contributing.md#setting-up-your-environment ## Python Package If you would like to use Arelle as a Python library or you want to use your own Python runtime, but would rather not clone the repo, you can use pip to install Arelle. The Arelle Python package defines optional extra dependencies for various plugins and use cases. - Crypto (security plugin dependencies) - DB (database plugin dependencies) - EFM (EDGAR dependencies - does not include the EDGAR plugins, just the dependencies required to run them) - ObjectMaker (ObjectMaker plugin dependencies) - WebServer (dependencies for running the Arelle web server) ```shell # to install Arelle and its base dependencies pip install arelle-release # to install Arelle with all optional dependencies pip install arelle-release[Crypto,DB,EFM,ObjectMaker,WebServer] ``` The Arelle command line and GUI applications should then be available on your path. ```shell # To run the command line arelleCmdLine --help # To launch the GUI arelleGUI ```