Use this module to start Arelle in web server mode.
See for copyright information.
Module Contents¶
Called once from main program in CmtlrCmdLine to initiate web server on specified local port. |
Request for a login form (get to /rest/login). Corresponds to login from other providers of XBRL validation services, but this version of Arelle does not perform accounting or charges for validation requests, so the login is ignored. |
Login of fields from login form (post to /rest/login). Saves user ID for future use. |
Save user ID for future use. Password not currently processed. |
Request to log out (get /rest/logout). Removes any proior user ID from session. |
Request for icon for URL display (get /favicon.ico). |
Request for an image file for URL display (get /images/ |
REST request to validate, by get or post, to URL patterns including /rest/xbrl/<file:path>/{open|close|validation|DTS…}, and /rest/xbrl/{view|open|close}. Sets up CntrlCmdLine options for request, performed by runOptionsAndGetResult using with get or post arguments. |
Execute request according to options, for result in media, with posted file in sourceZipStream, if any. |
Execute versioning diff request for get request to /rest/xbrl/diff. |
Set up features for get requests to /rest/configure, e.g., proxy or plug-ins. |
Stop the web server by get requests to /rest/stopWebServer. |
Interface to QuickBooks server responding to post requests to /quickbooks/server.asmx. |
Initiate request to QuickBooks server for get requests to /rest/quickbooks/ |
Poll for QuickBooks protocol responses for get requests to /rest/quickbooks/response. |
Interface to QuickBooks server responding to get requests for a host certificate /quickbooks/localhost.crt or /localhost.crt. |
Help web page for get requests to /help. |
Index (default) web page for get requests to /. |
Default web page response for get CGI request with no parameters. |
Wraps body html string in a css-styled html web page |
Wraps lines of text into a one-column table (for display of text results of operations, such as processing messages and status, to web browser). Replaces any & with & and < with <. |
Wraps lines of error text into specified media type for return of result to a request. |
- arelle.CntlrWebMain._: arelle.typing.TypeGetText¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.Options¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain._os_pid¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.GETorPOST¶
(‘GET’, ‘POST’)
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.GET¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.POST¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain._CNTLR: arelle.CntlrCmdLine.CntlrCmdLine | None¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.getCntlr() arelle.CntlrCmdLine.CntlrCmdLine ¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.setCntlr(cntlr: arelle.CntlrCmdLine.CntlrCmdLine) None ¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.getLogHandler() arelle.logging.handlers.LogToBufferHandler.LogToBufferHandler ¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain._RUNTIME_OPTIONS: arelle.RuntimeOptions.RuntimeOptions | None¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.getRuntimeOptions() arelle.RuntimeOptions.RuntimeOptions ¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.setRuntimeOptions(runtimeOptions: arelle.RuntimeOptions.RuntimeOptions) None ¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.startWebserver(cntlr: arelle.CntlrCmdLine.CntlrCmdLine, options: arelle.RuntimeOptions.RuntimeOptions) arelle.webserver.bottle.Bottle | None ¶
Called once from main program in CmtlrCmdLine to initiate web server on specified local port.
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.cgiInterface(cgiAppPath: str) str | arelle.webserver.bottle.HTTPResponse ¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.login_form() str ¶
Request for a login form (get to /rest/login). Corresponds to login from other providers of XBRL validation services, but this version of Arelle does not perform accounting or charges for validation requests, so the login is ignored.
- Returns:
str – HTML login form to enter and submit via method=POST these fields: name, password
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.login_submit() str ¶
Login of fields from login form (post to /rest/login). Saves user ID for future use.
- Parameters:
name – User ID
password – Password
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.user: str | None¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.checkLogin(_user: str | None, _password: str | None) bool ¶
Save user ID for future use. Password not currently processed.
- Returns:
bool – True (for now, future user may interact with authentication and accounting services.)
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.logout() str ¶
Request to log out (get /rest/logout). Removes any proior user ID from session.
- Returns:
html – Message that user has logged out
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.arelleIcon() arelle.webserver.bottle.HTTPResponse ¶
Request for icon for URL display (get /favicon.ico).
- Returns:
ico – Icon file for browsers
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.image(imgFile: str) arelle.webserver.bottle.HTTPResponse ¶
Request for an image file for URL display (get /images/
). - Returns:
image file – Requested image file from images directory of application for browsers
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.validationOptions¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.validationKeyVarName¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.supportedViews¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.validation(file: str | None = None) str | bytes ¶
REST request to validate, by get or post, to URL patterns including /rest/xbrl/<file:path>/{open|close|validation|DTS…}, and /rest/xbrl/{view|open|close}. Sets up CntrlCmdLine options for request, performed by runOptionsAndGetResult using with get or post arguments.
- Returns:
html, xhtml, xml, json, text – Return per media type argument and request arguments
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.runOptionsAndGetResult(options: arelle.RuntimeOptions.RuntimeOptions, media: str, viewFile: arelle.FileSource.FileNamedStringIO | None, sourceZipStream: arelle.FileSource.FileNamedStringIO | None = None) str | bytes ¶
Execute request according to options, for result in media, with posted file in sourceZipStream, if any.
- Returns:
html, xml, csv, text – Return per media type argument and request arguments
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.diff() str ¶
Execute versioning diff request for get request to /rest/xbrl/diff.
- Returns:
xml – Versioning report.
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.configure() str ¶
Set up features for get requests to /rest/configure, e.g., proxy or plug-ins.
- Returns:
html – Status of configuration request (e.g., proxy or plug-ins).
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.stopWebServer() str ¶
Stop the web server by get requests to /rest/stopWebServer.
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.testTest() str ¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.quickbooksServer() str ¶
Interface to QuickBooks server responding to post requests to /quickbooks/server.asmx.
(Part of QuickBooks protocol, see module CntlrQuickBooks.)
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.quickbooksGLrequest(qbReport: str | None = None, file: str | None = None) str ¶
Initiate request to QuickBooks server for get requests to /rest/quickbooks/
/xbrl-gl/… .- Returns:
html, xml, csv, text – Return per media type argument and request arguments
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.quickbooksGLresponse() str | bytes ¶
Poll for QuickBooks protocol responses for get requests to /rest/quickbooks/response.
- Returns:
html, xml, csv, text – Return per media type argument and request arguments, if response is ready, otherwise javascript to requery this get request periodicially.
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.quickbooksWebPage() str ¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.localhostCertificate() str ¶
Interface to QuickBooks server responding to get requests for a host certificate /quickbooks/localhost.crt or /localhost.crt.
(Supports QuickBooks protocol.)
- Returns:
self-signed certificate
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.helpREST() str ¶
Help web page for get requests to /help.
- Returns:
html - Table of CntlrWebMain web API
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.about(arelleImgFile: str | None = None) str ¶
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.indexPageREST() str ¶
Index (default) web page for get requests to /.
- Returns:
html - Web page of choices to navigate to /help or /about.
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.indexPageCGI() str ¶
Default web page response for get CGI request with no parameters.
- Returns:
html - Web page of choices to navigate to ?help or ?about.
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.htmlBody(body: str, script: str = '') str ¶
Wraps body html string in a css-styled html web page
- Parameters:
body (html str) – Contents for the element
script (javascript str) – Script to insert in generated html web page (such as a timed reload script)
- Returns:
html - Web page of choices to navigate to /help or /about.
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.tableRows(lines:[str], header: str | None = None) str ¶
Wraps lines of text into a one-column table (for display of text results of operations, such as processing messages and status, to web browser). Replaces any & with & and < with <.
- Parameters:
lines ([str]) – Sequence (list or tuple) of line strings.
header (str) – Optional header text for top row of table.
- Returns:
html -
html string.
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.errorReport(errors: list[str], media: str = 'html') str ¶
Wraps lines of error text into specified media type for return of result to a request.
- Parameters:
errors ([str]) – Sequence (list or tuple) of error strings.
media (str) – Type of result requestd.
- Returns:
html -
html string.
- arelle.CntlrWebMain.multipartResponse(parts: tuple[tuple[str, str, str], ...]) str ¶