- mod:
.. py:module:: arelle.cntlr
:copyright: See for copyright information.
:license: Apache-2.
:synopsis: Common controller class to initialize for platform and setup common logger functions
Module Contents¶
Initialization sets up for platform |
- arelle.Cntlr._: arelle.typing.TypeGetText¶
- arelle.Cntlr.osPrcs: Any¶
- arelle.Cntlr.LOG_TEXT_MAX_LENGTH¶
- arelle.Cntlr.cxFrozen¶
- arelle.Cntlr.resourcesDir() str ¶
- class arelle.Cntlr.Cntlr(hasGui: bool = False, logFileName: str | None = None, logFileMode: str | None = None, logFileEncoding: str | None = None, logFormat: str | None = None, uiLang: str | None = None, disable_persistent_config: bool = False, betaFeatures: dict[str, bool] | None = None)¶
Initialization sets up for platform
Platform directories for application, configuration, locale, and cache
Context menu click event (TKinter)
Clipboard presence
Update URL
Reloads prior config user preferences (saved in json file)
Sets up proxy and web cache
Sets up logging
A controller subclass object is instantiated, CntlrWinMain for the GUI and CntlrCmdLine for command line batch operation. (Other controller modules and/or objects may be subordinate to a CntlrCmdLine, such as CntlrWebMain, and CntlrQuickBooks).
This controller base class initialization sets up specifics such as directory paths, for its environment (Mac, Windows, or Unix), sets up a web file cache, and retrieves a configuration dictionary of prior user choices (such as window arrangement, validation choices, and proxy settings).
The controller sub-classes (such as CntlrWinMain, CntlrCmdLine, and CntlrWebMain) most likely will load an XBRL related object, such as an XBRL instance, taxonomy, testcase file, versioning report, or RSS feed, by requesting the model manager to load and return a reference to its modelXbrl object. The modelXbrl object loads the entry modelDocument object(s), which in turn load documents they discover (for the case of instance, taxonomies, and versioning reports), but defer loading instances for test case and RSS feeds. The model manager may be requested to validate the modelXbrl object, or views may be requested as below. (Validating a testcase or RSS feed will validate the test case variations or RSS feed items, one by one.)
.. attribute:: isMac True if system is MacOS .. attribute:: isMSW True if system is Microsoft Windows .. attribute:: userAppDir Full pathname to application directory (for persistent json files, cache, etc). .. attribute:: configDir Full pathname to config directory as installed (validation options, redirection URLs, common xsds). .. attribute:: imagesDir Full pathname to images directory as installed (images for GUI and web server). .. attribute:: localeDir Full pathname to locale directory as installed (for support of gettext localization feature). .. attribute:: hasClipboard True if a system platform clipboard is implemented on current platform
- __version__¶
- betaFeatures: dict[str, bool]¶
- hasWin32gui: bool¶
- hasGui: bool¶
- hasFileSystem: bool¶
- isGAE: bool¶
- isCGI: bool¶
- systemWordSize: int¶
- uiLang: str¶
- configDir: str¶
- imagesDir: str¶
- localeDir: str¶
- pluginDir: str¶
- userAppDir: str¶
- isMac: bool¶
- isMSW: bool¶
- hasClipboard: bool¶
- contextMenuClick: str¶
- hasWebServer: bool¶
- config: dict[str, Any] | None¶
- configJsonFile: str¶
- webCache: arelle.WebCache.WebCache¶
- modelManager: arelle.ModelManager.ModelManager¶
- logger: logging.Logger | None¶
- logHandler: logging.Handler¶
- property uiLangDir: str¶
- property uiLocale: str | None¶
- postLoggingInit(localeSetupMessage: str | None = None) None ¶
- setUiLanguage(locale: str | None, fallbackToDefault: bool = False) None ¶
- startLogging(logFileName: str | None = None, logFileMode: str | None = None, logFileEncoding: str | None = None, logFormat: str | None = None, logLevel: str | None = None, logFilters: list[logging.Filter] | None = None, logHandler: logging.Handler | None = None, logToBuffer: bool = False, logTextMaxLength: int | None = None, logRefObjectProperties: bool = True, logXmlMaxAttributeLength: int | None = None, logPropagate: bool | None = None) None ¶
- setLogLevelFilter(logLevelFilter: str) None ¶
- setLogCodeFilter(logCodeFilter: str) None ¶
- addToLog(message: str, messageCode: str = '', messageArgs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, file: str = '', refs: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, level: int | str = logging.INFO) None ¶
Add a simple info message to the default logger
- Parameters:
message (str) – Text of message to add to log.
messageArgs (dict) – optional dict of message format-string key-value pairs
messageCode – Message code (e.g., a prefix:id of a standard error)
messageCode – str
file (str) – File name (and optional line numbers) pertaining to message
- showStatus(message: str, clearAfter: int | None = None) None ¶
Dummy method for specialized controller classes to specialize, provides user feedback on status line of GUI or web page
- Parameters:
message (str) – Message to display on status widget.
clearAfter (int) – Time, in ms., after which to clear the message (e.g., 5000 for 5 sec.)
- close(saveConfig: bool = False) None ¶
Closes the controller and its logger, optionally saving the user preferences configuration
- Parameters:
saveConfig (bool) – save the user preferences configuration
- saveConfig() None ¶
Save user preferences configuration (in json configuration file).
- viewModelObject(modelXbrl: arelle.ModelXbrl.ModelXbrl, objectId: str) None ¶
Notify any watching views to show and highlight selected object. Generally used to scroll list control to object and highlight it, or if tree control, to find the object and open tree branches as needed for visibility, scroll to and highlight the object.
- Parameters:
modelXbrl (ModelXbrl) – ModelXbrl (DTS) whose views are to be notified
objectId (str) – Selected object id (string format corresponding to ModelObject.objectId() )
- reloadViews(modelXbrl: arelle.ModelXbrl.ModelXbrl) None ¶
Notification to reload views (probably due to change within modelXbrl). Dummy for subclasses to specialize when they have a GUI or web page.
- Parameters:
modelXbrl (ModelXbrl) – ModelXbrl (DTS) whose views are to be notified
- rssWatchUpdateOption(**args: Any) None ¶
Notification to change rssWatch options, as passed in, usually from a modal dialog.
- onPackageEnablementChanged() None ¶
Notification that package enablement changed, usually from a modal dialog.
- internet_user_password(host: str, realm: str) tuple[str, str] ¶
Request (for an interactive UI or web page) to obtain user ID and password (usually for a proxy or when getting a web page that requires entry of a password). This function must be overridden in a subclass that provides interactive user interface, as the superclass provides only a dummy method.
- Parameters:
host (str) – The host that is requesting the password
realm (str) – The domain on the host that is requesting the password
- Returns:
tuple – (‘myusername’,’mypassword’)
- internet_logon(url: str, quotedUrl: str, dialogCaption: str, dialogText: str) str ¶
Web file retrieval results in html that appears to require user logon, if interactive allow the user to log on.
- Url:
The URL as requested (by an import, include, href, schemaLocation, …)
- QuotedUrl:
The processed and retrievable URL
- DialogCaption:
The dialog caption for the situation
- DialogText:
The dialog text for the situation at hand
- Returns:
string – ‘retry’ if user logged on and file can be retried, ‘cancel’ to abandon retrieval ‘no’ if the file is expected and valid contents (not a logon request)
- clipboardData(text: str | None = None) Any ¶
Places text onto the clipboard (if text is not None), otherwise retrieves and returns text from the clipboard. Only supported for those platforms that have clipboard support in the current python implementation (macOS or ActiveState Windows Python).
- Parameters:
text (str) – Text to place onto clipboard if not None, otherwise retrieval of text from clipboard.
- Returns:
str – text from clipboard if parameter text is None, otherwise returns None if text is provided
- property memoryUsed: float | int¶
- workingOnlineOrInCache(url: str) bool ¶
Determines if the given URL should be requested based on the web cache’s internet connectivity status and whether the URL already exists in the cache.
- Parameters:
url – Web URL
- Returns:
True if the URL should be requested, False if not
- getPluginData(pluginName: str) arelle.utils.PluginData.PluginData | None ¶
- setPluginData(pluginData: arelle.utils.PluginData.PluginData) None ¶
- _clearPluginData() None ¶