Inline XBRL Document Set#

See for copyright information.


The Inline XBRL Document Set (IXDS) plugin facilitates the handling of inline XBRL documents. It allows for opening and extracting XBRL data from document sets, either defined as an Inline XBRL Document Set or in a manifest file (such as JP FSA) that identifies inline XBRL documents.

Key Features

  • XBRL Document Set Detection: Detect and load iXBRL documents from a zip file or directory.

  • Target Document Selection: Load one or more Target Documents from an Inline Document Set.

  • Extract XML Instance: Extract and save XML Instance of a Target Document.

  • Command Line Support: Detailed syntax for file and target selection.

  • GUI Interaction: Selection dialog for loading inline documents and saving target documents.

Usage Instructions

Command Line Usage

  • Loading Inline XBRL Documents from a Zip File:

    python --plugins inlineXbrlDocumentSet --file '[{"ixds": [{"file": ""}]}]'

    This command loads all inline XBRL documents within a zip file as an Inline XBRL Document Set.

  • Loading Inline XBRL Documents from a Directory:

    python --plugins inlineXbrlDocumentSet --file '[{"ixds": [{"file": "filing-documents-directory"}]}]'

    This command loads all inline XBRL documents within a specified directory.

  • Loading with Default Target Document:

    python --plugins inlineXbrlDocumentSet --file '[{"ixds": [{"file1": "document-1.html", "file2": "document-2.html"}]}]'

    Load two inline XBRL documents using the default Target Document.

  • Specifying a Different Target Document:

    python --plugins inlineXbrlDocumentSet --file '[{"ixds": [{"file1": "document-1.html", "file2": "document-2.html"}], "ixdsTarget": "DKGAAP"}]'

    Load two inline XBRL documents using the DKGAAP Target Document.

  • Loading Multiple Document Sets:

    python --plugins inlineXbrlDocumentSet --file '[{"ixds": [{"file": ""}]}, {"ixds": [{"file": ""}]}]'

    Load two separate Inline XBRL Document Sets.

  • Extracting and Saving XML Instance:

    python --plugins inlineXbrlDocumentSet --file '[{"ixds": [{"file": ""}]}] --saveInstance'

    Extract and save the XML Instance of the default Target Document from an Inline XBRL Document Set.

GUI Usage

  • Loading Inline Documents as an IXDS:

    1. Navigate to the File menu.

    2. Select Open File Inline Doc Set.

    3. Command/Control select multiple files to load them as an Inline XBRL Document Set.

  • Extracting and Saving XML Instance:

    1. Load the Inline XBRL Document Set.

    2. Navigate to Tools in the menu.

    3. Select Save target document to save the XML Instance.

Additional Notes

  • Windows users must escape quotes and backslashes within the JSON file parameter structure: .\arelleCmdLine.exe --plugins inlineXbrlDocumentSet --file "[{""ixds"":[{""file"":""C:\\""}], ""ixdsTarget"":""DKGAAP""}]" --package "C:\"

  • If a JSON structure is specified in the --file option without an ixdsTarget, the default target is assumed.

  • To specify a non-default target in the absence of a JSON file argument, use the formula parameter ixdsTarget.

  • For EDGAR style encoding of non-ASCII characters, use the --encodeSavedXmlChars argument.

  • Extracted XML instance is saved to the same directory as the IXDS with the suffix _extracted.xbrl.